Family Owned and Operated
Tires, Auto Services & Auto Repairs in Mt. Juliet, TN
Mt. Juliet Tire Center is independently owned and operated by Stacy and Stewart Roberson who are residents in the Mt. Juliet community. In 2005, Stacy had the opportunity to purchase her first Goodyear store and then in 2010 purchased her second location in Mt. Juliet. Stacy has a business background with experience as a Parts Consultant and Facility Consultant for the Saturn Corporation working directly with the dealerships and also as a Corporate Buyer for their Saturn Service Parts division.
Over the years we have been very blessed to have wonderful customers and employees who have supported our success and our growth. Our goal as business owners is to provide honest trustworthy service to each of our customers and to also provide them with the necessary information needed to make the right decisions regarding their automotive repair needs.
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